BFI Group Blog
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The APCF – Bringing Funding to Children in Need
Social responsibility is important to us at BFI Capital Group. However, we feel that the term is often overused. It’s one thing to claim being socially responsible, but it’s another to really act on it and do so in a manner that really benefits society. We believe it starts by taking responsibility in our daily lives, by working hard and living life with honesty, integrity, and humility. And ultimately, by engaging in ventures of a positive impact.
With a lot of attention being paid to the Russia/Ukraine conflict and many donating to different causes to try and support Ukrainian refugees, there’s been a tendency to forget that many conflicts continue to burn in the Middle East and Africa. We easily forget Myanmar, Congo, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, southeast Asia, etc. where they have long been dealing with displaced families, starving children, trafficking, and people simply trying to find the best they can in life.
We don’t do it often here at our blog, but in this aforementioned context, we wanted to bring up a cause again which we’ve supported for a long time and that is very near and dear to our hearts: The Asian Pacific Children’s Fund. The APCF, as it is often referred to, was started by our dear friends Don and Molly McAlvany, back in 2002. During their travels though the Philippines at that time, they came across a well-run orphanage that was making a difference.
Don and Molly quickly realized there were millions of children across Asia who didn’t have access to the basic necessities of life: food, shelter, education, and love. And, of the thousands of homes for children in the developing world, some were very well run, while many others were not. Their goal became finding and supporting those that made a difference.
Now, celebrating their 20th anniversary, the Asia Pacific Children’s Fund currently supports orphanages in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Nepal and Myanmar. Don and Molly live in one of these homes and regularly visit all the others to see the children and make sure that the resources are being used efficiently and effectively.
They are close, life-long friends of BFI’s CEO and Founder, Frank Suess, who has been supporting APCF for a long time. Frank is even a member of APCF’s Board. It is a project that we fully believe in, and we appreciate everyone who joins!
We invite you to have a look at the APCF blog where recent posts included an update on their ,construction of one of their new schools in India, and ,Home Sweet Home, a brief video about the kids they are helping in India.
Congratulations to Don and Molly, and the APCF, for currently supporting and giving a future to nearly 500 children at this time…with hopes for many, many more!