A structured and systematic approach is the backbone of successful investing. Our advisory model applies a clear process, utilizing the power of digital tools without giving up on human intuition and experience.
Top-down research and strategic allocation
Strategic Horizon
- Strategic Horizon
- Quarterly big picture meetings
- Advice from external experts
- Strategic recommendations
- Bottom-up parameters
Ongoing Monitor
- Monthly Dashboards
- Economic indicators, money flow etc.
- Allocation adjustments
- Weekly investment meetings
- Daily monitoring & reporting
- Tactical allocation decisions
- Portfolio construction
Bottom-up screening and selection of investment opportunities
Top-down research and strategic allocation
Strategic Horizon
- Strategic Horizon
- Quarterly big picture meetings
- Advice from external experts
- Strategic recommendations
- Bottom-up parameters
Bottom-up screening and selection of investment opportunities
Top-down research and strategic allocation
Ongoing Monitor
- Monthly Dashboards
- Economic indicators, money flow etc.
- Allocation adjustments
Bottom-up screening and selection of investment opportunities
Top-down research and strategic allocation
- Weekly investment meetings
- Daily monitoring & reporting
- Tactical allocation decisions
- Portfolio construction
Bottom-up screening and selection of investment opportunities
Our investment process incorporates both, a top-down as well as a bottom-up analysis. We live in a rapidly changing and somewhat chaotic world. Taking the big picture into account is a fundamental differentiator of investment success over the coming years.
Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude
- Ralph Marston