We are a fee-only investment advisor. We do not accept any compensation based on product sales. Our fiduciary obligation is to act in your best interest. According to your mandate, we provide professional advice, guidance, and service.
A discretionary mandate delegates the day-to-day management of your investment portfolio to us. After jointly reviewing and analyzing your specific interests and needs, we prepare a personalized proposal. Once in agreement, we implement the mandate. Your portfolio is reviewed regularly; changes are always possible.

Non -Discretionary
With a non-discretionary mandate, we provide you with personal advice and guidance. You benefit from our expertise and research. However, you make your own investment decisions. Our mandate does not allow us to adjust your portfolio without your 'blessing'.

Special Projects
Some of our clients employ us for special projects and tasks related to their international wealth management needs. Some involve us in their overall wealth and estate planning process. Frequently, we work closely with their tax attorneys, accountants and advisors. These mandates are discussed and arranged on a case-by-case basis.

The investment mandate you establish with us is structured as a tri-lateral arrangement between you, the chosen custodian bank, and BFI.
with bank
with BFI
investment advisory
mannage the account

I am more concerned about the return of my money than the return on my money.