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The US Presidential Race Might Be Tighter Than You Think
We all know that polling is an imprecise science, if not more of an art. After the last US election in 2016, everyone recognized that polls are not to be trusted. And yet, just 4 years later, we seem to have forgotten that lesson. All the big polls have Mr. Biden comfortably in the lead and most mainstream commentators and pundits seem to accept that a Biden-Harris presidency is a foregone conclusion. However, one poll seems to question that.
According to a new poll by ,John Zogby Strategies/EMI Research Solutions, Biden leads Trump only by 49%-47%. This was a poll conducted in early October, after President Trump checked into Walter Reed Hospital. According to this poll of 1006 likely voters nationwide, former Vice-President Joe Biden has a narrow two-point lead over President Donald Trump, with 4% undecided. The random sample online poll has an overall margin-of-sampling error of +/-3.2 percentage points.
I always lose the election in the polls, and I always win it on election day.
~ Benjamin Netanyahu