An Introduction to AltAlpha Digital - Your New, One-Stop Access to Crypto Assets!
With the goal of delivering asymmetric crypto returns to BFI’s investors by utilizing access to seasoned hedge fund managers and top-tier strategies, the ,BFI Capital Group is proud to introduce you to AltAlpha Digital, which recently launched its crypto fund-of-fund solution. The simple, bankable solution governed under Swiss law and offering monthly liquidity, is accessible for a low minimum investment with a high level of service quality.
AltAlpha Digital was born in a time of inflation, negative interest rates, and all-around general uncertainty in how assets could be deployed to both preserve and grow wealth. Investors have increasingly allocated their assets towards alternative investments to diversify the 60/40, equity-to-bonds portfolio. But now cryptos have emerged as a new asset class to consider in this space, one of many forms of an application with its core based in the underlying technology of blockchain.
From the standpoint of portfolio construction, studies have shown that adding a 2.5% allocation of crypto to the standard portfolio allocations mentioned above, assuming some quarterly rebalancing, would have boosted the three-year median cumulative return by 13.30% (Bitwise, ,The Case for Crypto in an Institutional Portfolio, 2021). Investors need to understand that the next wave of this technological revolution is set to provide everything but a straight line up in terms of returns, but participating in it now offers great potential as long as they keep the risks in mind.
AltAlpha Digital knew that investing in cryptos and/or hedge funds would come with numerous challenges, including the high volatility of the markets, the complexity and lack of knowledge in this sphere, limited liquidity, and limited access to the top strategies and managers.
The crypto fund of hedge funds enables investors to participate in a basket of actively managed strategies with a high degree of diversification based on thorough research into and inclusion of quality strategies, talent, and underlying assets. And investors can access this fund for as low as CHF 10,000, through their bank, using a Swiss ISIN.
While it is currently not available to US investors directly, BFI investors can access it through the use of their PPLI, or private placement life insurance, policies, or annuities. The PPLI structure, which has already been around for nearly 40 years, when structured properly, can give US persons access to international investments like this that they are otherwise not able to obtain directly.
For non-US investors, access to the fund can be acquired through your own bank.
For more information, we invite you to have a look at the AltAlpha Digital website at , The fund is open and available for investment.
AltAlpha Digital is a product of ,BFI Consulting, a BFI Capital Group subsidiary, and is headquartered in Switzerland, a base for core Bitcoin developers and pioneers, many of whom branched out from the Crypto Valley to create leading global protocols like Cardano, Ethereum, and others.